No time is better to become a Daisy Consultant, because now through the end of October 2012, the Starter Kit includes not only all the basics needed to start your home-based business, you also receive a full kit party topper (46"x46" with pattern and all the fabric to make the quilt top, binding and backing) and a SECOND quilt called Story Time Snuggle (41"x49" with pattern and all fabric to make the quilt top, binding and backing), in addition to the Lazy Daisy Cottage Cookbook, pin cushion kit, and a Candy Ribbon quilt demonstration kit. The retail value of this special Starter Kit is well over $300, but is currently available for only $99!!! Sweet!!! :o) Here's a list of everything you'll get in your kit:
* Party Topper - Cupcakes (fabric and pattern)
* Story Time Snuggle (fabric and pattern)
* Petal Pushers Pin Cushions (pattern and materials for 2 pin cushions)
* Candy Ribbon consultant demonstration kit
* Lazy Daisy Cookbook
* Daisy Charms Bracelet
* Catalogs (10)
* Daisy Folder and Essential Paperwork including:
- Compensation Plan (1)
- Price List (2)
- Daisy Consultant Handbook (1)
- Ordering Instructions (1)
* Daisy Event Invitations (100)
* Customer Order Forms (50)
* Credit Card Processing Slips (25)
* Daisy Clipboard
* Daisy Designs (designs not included in Catalog)
You will have an opportunity to purchase additional materials, including a wide variety of quilting kits, during the enrollment process. I strongly recommend you purchase the Basic Bundle which gives you the "most bang for your buck" and is only available at the time of enrollment.
Send me an e-mail letting me know you're interested and I'll send you the My Lazy Daisy Compensation Plan information! You'll see for yourself why being a Daisy Consultant is an excellent way to make money while having fun! :o)
Join me and My Lazy Daisy . . . Start your quilting legacy today!