Thursday, June 21, 2012

1949 Singer Sewing Manual

I guess this counts me out of any more quilting!  =D


  1. I posted that this week on my facebook and it went completely crazy! It stressed me out! But I had a good giggle over it and printed it out, taped it to the wall in my sewing space, and proceeded to sew in my jammies! :)

  2. the time we do all that other stuff where do we find the time to sew??? I agree with Jen......"Pajama sewing" is where it's at!

  3. I absolutely love this! "Make yourself as attractive as possible," huh? Guess I better put the yoga pants away! :)

  4. Oh my! thanks for the laugh!Maybe, someday I'll have my dishes done and can sew.... I pinned it to my quilty pinterest board.

  5. Wellllll, that leaves me out FOR SURE!!!
    Have a fabulous day ~
    TTFN ~

  6. I have shared that on my Facebook also. About a month ago when I first saw it on FB I shared it and read it aloud to my husband. He snorted and chuckled through the whole thing. He is SO good when I am in what we call "Sew Mode". He knows about all he can expect when I'm in the zone is clean clothes and a couple of hot meals a day. He is very understanding about the house getting more and more cluttered and the floors getting a bit grimey. He knows I'll hit the wall and do a major clean before it gets TO bad. :D

  7. This is great!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  8. That is too funny! Just throw on a dressing gown and get to sewing =D

  9. that is so funny. you mean I have to clean house first?!!! lol

  10. Honestly, the dirty dishes never bother my sewing. It must be this nice MODERN machine that just doesn't care if my house is clean or if I am "neatly put together"
    I am glad the newer machines are less picky about that stuff!

  11. My husband and I had a good laugh about this one!

  12. Oh my, can you imagine? This is soooo not me, lol!

  13. What? You don't make your house and yourself immaculate before you sew? I do...

    (totally joking)

  14. What a hoot! The best housekeeping advice I ever got was from a little old lady who told me to keep my vacuum cleaner in the living room, plugged in - then if anyone dropped by unexpectedly, I could tell them I was just getting ready to vacuum!!

    And Gene, I will say that all my antique machines encourage me to sew before doing any cleaning, just like me newer machines - so I think a man wrote that little sewing manual blurb!!

  15. I remember when life was that nieve.....I wonder if the world was any happier that way.

    So glad my dh thinks a wife enjoying her free time is attractive.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I sure love reading all of them! They let me know that I'm not out here in blogland all by myself! :o)