Monday, August 13, 2012

Charlotte Fire Quilts Delivered

This weekend was so AWESOME!!! We donated some quilts for the Charlotte Fire victims on Friday in Pocatello, Idaho! There is a quilt store in Pocatello, Sages Creek Quilt Co., that has been collecting quilts for those who lost their home to the Charlotte wildfire.

When we drove up I thought it was going to be a tiny store. Boy was I wrong!!! :o)

This sign was on the door we went in. It's asking for 66 quilts for the fire victims! I was so glad I was there for just that reason! :o)

The store was amazing! So much fabric and so many beautiful quilts around the store! I LOVED IT!!! The people there were so friendly and extremely grateful for your donations! :o)

The local quilters in Pocatello have been so busy! They had already donated 46 quilts so all that was needed was 20 more from Phoenix Quilts! I was so happy to help them reach their goal of 66 quilts to help all of these families who have lost their homes! I'm so grateful to each one of you that have been so generous with your donations! This trip made me realize that I am just representing Phoenix Quilts, but you guys are Phoenix Quilts! THANK YOU!!! :o)



  1. Thats so great! Awesome job Julie!

  2. How awesome! So glad things went so well! What a great looking shop! =D

  3. YAY! Glad that more quilts are off to their homes.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I sure love reading all of them! They let me know that I'm not out here in blogland all by myself! :o)